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We never want to let go of them, those we love. How could it be any different than that?  We loved them, hold them still ...

Monday, 15 February 2016

Awakening and deepening faith

So this is our mission statement as Cenacle Sisters 'to awaken and deepen faith with and for the people of our time'. I've been reflecting on what that means: faith.

Well, faith is about belief but it's also about the capacity to be faithful.
It's about keeping your promises.
Surely it's about who you love, and why you love them and how you love them, day by day.
I want to say that faith begins and ends in love.

We are committed to awakening and deepening faith in others, with others, for others.
We want to help them know a God who loves them no matter what, on good days and bad. This is a God who wants them to be happy, to be free, to live out their true potential.
One thing I know for sure is that awakening and deepening faith means to tell people that God believes in them whoever they are.

That means you.
You know what?
God loves you, just as you are, right now.
God wants you to be happy, which means to be free to be the person you are destined to be: to be deeply, truly you.
God believes in you.
Isn't that more important than anything?

Friday, 12 February 2016


You want to choose me for the rest of your life?

Choose then.
Go on. Right now.

Start with the isness of your life, where you find yourself
floundering around
looking for something to do or believe in.

You don't have to go very far.
It's right here: The Word.

Read it.
Make a choice to start. 

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Stepping into Lent Space


moment by moment

even in the midst of all my busy-ness.

Here it is - the invitation
breath by daily breath
into deepening knowledge of you.

grant me the courage
to risk it.